Sunday, November 14, 2010

Capitulo 2: February/febrero

This chapter focuses on the marriage of Pedro and Rosaura.  A wedding should be a happy occasion, but for Tita, it is a very sorrowful event.  Her life's only love marrying her sister.  Too make matters worse, Mama Elena very forcefuly demands that Tita feign happiness for her sister and she was also given the large task of preparing the wedding cake with Nacha as a punishment (for trying to play hookie during the wedding).  The recipe for this chapter is a Chabela wedding cake, and it sounds really good!  ¡Delicioso!  (Hopefully here in a little bit I can muster up the courage to try making this cake on my own!!) 
The wedding comes and goes, but Tita is given a new found hope for her love when Pedro confronts her after the ceremony..."Estoy seguro de que así será, pues logré con esta boda lo que tanto anhelaba: estar cerca de usted, la mujer que verdaderamente amo...".  Pedro confesses that the 'only' reason he is marrying Rosaura is so he can be close to Tita, his true love, since he is not permitted to marry Tita.
Magic Realism plays a strong role throughout the entire novella.  Magic realism is a style/genre of fiction in which magical elements are mixed into a relistic setting in order to access a deeper understanding of that reality.  This chapter has a great example of magic realism; while Tita is beating the eggs for the wedding cake, she has a fit of crying in which her tears are mixed into the cake batter.  After the ceremony, while the cake is being eaten by the guests, a strange thing happens.  An intoxicating feeling of nostalgia and longings for their lost loves...followed by a mass fit of vomitting.  The only one not affected by the strange power of the cake was Tita, of course.  This further complicates things for Tita and the ever present Mama Elena.  We shall see if there are any more plots to keep Tita and Pedro apart throughout the book, due to Mama Elena's suspicions of their love.
Not only has Pedro married another, but on the evening of the wedding, Nacha passed away in her sleep.  We learned a little more about Nacha and her past in this chapter.  I won't give away everything that occurs throughout the novella; leaving some things to be discovered for when you read the book on your own.  But this was a very depressing end to this chapter.  Tita has lost the only mother figure she has ever known, and her only true friend. 

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